Dual Colored Ranks

Absolutely free forum rank sets!

Dual Colored Ranks


7 Responses

  1. Mikaya says:

    These are really nice. Simple is key. I like how you added a grey tone to each of them. It’s a nice touch.

  2. The Governor says:

    I love these, especially the Admin rank. This could be intentional, but the packager rank looks more like a yellow shade. My assumption was orange, but again, could be wrong.

    • Gray says:

      Thanks! I was originally going use orange for the package rank, but when the time came it didn’t look as good as I thought it would. 😛

  3. Wow, it is cool! These are really nice. Simple is key. I like how you added a grey tone to each of them.

  4. Ramo says:

    I really like how you have split the colors for each badge. That definitely brings more uniqueness to them.

  5. Shole says:

    When I read dual colored I thought instantly of two different colors. They look good but I kinda get off a spooky feeling for them. A Halloween themed forum would use those greatly as they are looking a bit foggy .

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